Ph.D. Candidate, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Field Travel Grant Type 1
Carex stricta Tussock Composition, Formation, and Carbon Sequestration Potential
“I am investigating the carbon dynamics associated with Carex stricta, a tussock forming species that dominates native sedge meadow communities in southern Wisconsin, to determine if this species is an appropriate target to promote carbon accumulation during wetland restoration. Currently, I am quantifying tussock composition and carbon pools associated with C. stricta dominated meadows in order to establish a baseline for comparison with other systems, and a reference for sedge meadow restoration.
Using field experiments, I will examine how C. stricta productivity responds to different hydroperiods and nutrient loading. Additionally, an ongoing four-year mesocosm experiment will clarify the influence of genotype, hydroperiod, and nutrient addition on C. stricta tussock formation and carbon sequestration. Together, this work will provide foundational knowledge for policy makers and restoration practitioners interested in restoring the carbon sequestration function to wetland soils. “