“Through the support of The Wetland Foundation, I was able to travel to Baltimore, Maryland in May of 2019 and attend the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) Annual Meeting. At this conference, I had the opportunity to present a poster depicting the results of my undergraduate research, titled, “Impacts of Salt Marsh Vegetation and Sea-Level Rise on Soil Carbon Stability.” This experience has proven fundamental in the development of my ability to communicate scientific concepts and to hold discussions with an audience, qualities that are essential for being an effective scientist. At this conference, I sat in on numerous presentations informing listeners on novel wetland research and restoration initiatives occurring within the Chesapeake Bay and at other wetlands around the world. In addition, I attended the SWS Women in Wetlands Luncheon, which focused on generating discussion between women wetland scientists of all ages and providing career advice from female leaders in wetland science. At this luncheon, I had the chance to talk one-on-one with and receive guidance from women with established careers in wetland science, which made me feel empowered about the future of my own career. The SWS 2019 Annual Meeting was truly inspiring and confirmed my desires to pursue a profession as a research scientist. I whole heartedly thank The Wetland Foundation for providing me with this opportunity.”